Episode 420: Tale of the Nighthawk, chapters 1-3
Thank you, grossly out-of-place comedic school bell. You are a rock of normalcy in this madhouse.
Folks, it’s time for another The Batman fic. And we know what The Batman fics are all about right? That’s right, neckties and omelettes! Wait, they’re not? You meant that Batman’s usually in a The Batman fic? Well, I guess there’s Alfred and Dick, and someone called Bruce if you look really hard. But mostly there’s Jill. Who’s Jill you ask? Well, we’re not really sure. She might have a backstory and may have lost someone or another (really, we’re not sure), but what we do know is that she has a phone and she likes to text. So buckle in while we take a plane, ride in a limo and eventually go to school in the non-stop, action packed epic that is The Tale of the Nighthawk.
Riffers: Dan, Maya Gold, Celena Harte and Tsuneo Tateo
Written by: Zogster