The fearsome warrior of the wastelands, Bob from Quality Assurance
Meet Bob. He’s a foul-mouthed alcoholic uncouth backwards hick, so the Mad Dog Squadron take an instant disliking to him probably because he’s so much like them that it actually hurts. Who is he and what does he do? Well it doesn’t really matter, because what this chapter’s really about is how Lance is even more of a creep then he’s seemed to be so far, which is no mean feat in and of itself. Plus on top of that we have the inevitable revenge scheme by the laughably ineffectual designated rival, who this time is armed with magical bullets that are actually less useful then regular bullets. So sit back and light up your smelliest cigar for more Chronicles of the Mad Dog Squadron. Or else Lance will wipe your brain.
No, really. I’m not joking about that part.
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.
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