Sunday, June 23, 2019

Episode 387 - The Death Games, chapters 20-22

Episode 387: The Death Games, chapters 20-22

Awww, it’s so sweet. [Pause] I tried to kill him many times.

Well, this is it. The final showdown you’ve all been waiting for. It’s been a long road here, what with all the lounging around, the talking about people hooking up and the almost-but-not-quite life-threatening peril. With the façade of the games torn down in a vague semblance of a reveal, our hero is up against the vilest creature in, well, maybe in this particular neighbourhood. That’s right, Ki makes his dramatic move! His past with one particular guy we’ve heard of a couple of times is revealed! Of course, this shapes the entire situation in ways that haven’t even been hinted at before, but that’s The Death Games, baby. Facing down the vile soul-sucker alone, unaided, and with nobody but the entire assembled Justice League to call on, we can only wait to see what becomes of our hero: Eggs-Over-Easy boy.

Riffers: Dan, Maya Gold, Celena Harte and Tsuneo Tateo
Written by: Zogster


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And so the Not!Hunger Games finally end to everyone's great relief, and the riffing of the same ends to more bittersweet emotions. I'll miss Eggs Over Easy Boy...

    Say, is there something with your email account? I've sent you a couple messages in response to your comment in the 'Year Seven' retrospective about badfic donations from a couple different email addresses and never heard back. Just want to be sure they're getting through.
