Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Episode 388 - Fallout South Carolina

Episode 388: Fallout South Carolina

We are reading a fanfic where mind control smoothies are a key plot point. I cannot imagine that we have seen anything stupider, nor can I imagine that we ever will

Welcome to post-apocalyptic South Carolina, home of the almighty John. After his home was destroyed by raiders (a fact that he’ll remind you of every few minutes) he has set out to… wander aimlessly across the landscape, really. Mostly he goes around stumbling from one situation to the next, but that’s okay because everyone around him will basically go out of their way to reward him for simply existing. So what else is there in this fic? Um, that’s a good question, really. Mostly there’s stew, haggling for prices and various local mayors who own powerful firearms. So sit back and have a smoothie as you pretend to read Fallout South Carolina.

No really. Have a smoothie.

It’s the law.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to do this again but it looks like my reply email got caught in the spam filter as well. Maybe you could put Rebecca on the case? I'm sure someone who can break into government databases from a employment office can figure out how Google does its thing. Maybe Voice Two is to blame.

    I'm not sure which made my head spin more, the smoothie plotline (clearly even the apocalypse can't stop Jamba Juice from having scandals) or the Brotherhood of Steel backstory/plot that just resolved itself without even pretending John and his amorphous blob of followers were relevant.

    And now you have me terrified, wondering what a badfic with six years of time behind it is going to look like...
