Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Episode 271 - Waiting in the Rain

Episode 271: Waiting in the Rain

Sure, they may be dangerous high-tech terrorists, but they do have fun.

Who is Hero and why is the entire GI Joe team utterly fascinated by her every single action to the point of excluding everything else? Well, if you’re looking for an answer, then you came to the wrong place. However, if you are looking for coffee, ninjas, flash floods and the thrilling revelation that eyes come in different colours (I know, I was shocked too!) then Waiting in the Rain is the non-linear sequence of words for you! As Cobra Commander unleashes his evil plan to use a thing to do a thing (No, it doesn't get any clearer then that) it’s up to our hero, um, Hero, to save the day, balance apples and be a walking enigma that sucks in all around it much like a bipedal black hole, leaving innumerable questions unanswered. Key among them being what exactly it is that you feed a bobcat anyway.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Episode 270 - Lena Frost Wagner, Astonishing X-Men

Episode 270: Lena Frost Wagner, Astonishing X-Men

Suddenly, without warning, another scene breaks out.

In the world of Lena Frost Wagner, Astonishing X-Men*, not all is as it seems. Actually, we're not sure how things are meant to be. Certainly, the fic isn't going to let us in on anything. All we can piece together is that Nightcrawler and the White Queen have a daughter (and possibly a son) who's attending the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, where she's majoring in drama and crying. Apparently she's friends with random mutants, might or might not be a telepath and kinda sorta has three clone half-sisters and an alien bug thing for a boyfriend. Also there's a box from another universe, the Phoenix (maybe), the danger room, a highly confused Sentinel, the United Kingdom (it exists), possibly a group of Exiles and, oh yeah, everyone you know and love is dead. I think. I'm not sure. If you can understand what's going on here, good luck to you, because you're doing better than the fic is.

*Yes, that's the actual title.

Riffers: Dan, Maya Gold, Celena Harte and Tsuneo Tateo
Written by: Zogster

Friday, July 11, 2014

Episode 269 - My Way to the Championship OC Profiles

Episode 269: My Way to the Championship OC Profiles

Imagination. Get some..

You thought that you had managed to escape the festival of plastic toy robot madness that was My Way to the Championship. You thought you were safe from its ABS clutches, free from the insanity that infected every last scale model inch of it. Well not so fast, boyo, because for your reading pleasure*, we’ve got a special presentation. That’s right, it’s a compilation of the submitted OC profiles that bought you such memorable characters as like the guy who beat Darren, the guy from the model shop and the guy who looks like the guy from Gundam SEED. And not only that, but it also lists the parts that their customized toy robots are made from in excruciating detail! So grab some model cement, a hacksaw and the parts bin and get to work on the epic appendix to this alleged fanfic! You’ll never look at the colour teal the same way again!

*Actual pleasure not guaranteed. Consult your doctor if Trans-Am persists.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.