So far, the
majority of the Postmadern Era of Elmer Studios has been in the form of “rebuild”
MSTings, ones that are re-workings of older material, specifically Delta Invasion. As has been mentioned before,
“rebuilding” Delta was a substantial motivation for getting this whole project
started, and, in many ways, it formed a style guide for everything that was to
there was one big problem with the Rebuild
of Delta concept. Simply put, there were no “raw”, un-MSTed copies of the
fanfic known to exist anywhere on the Interwebs (Wheather this was a bad thing
was another matter, of course). The original was hosted on a Geocities page,
which wasn’t a good start. Added to that, the fic was pulled from that site
sometime over a decade ago because it no longer met the author’s “vision for Evangelion” (That it had become an
internet laughing stock because it sucked might have also factored into that).
No traces of it could be found in Web Archives, and even the most intense Googling
turned up blanks. In short, our old MSTings were the only copies of Delta Invasion left out there.
However, we
would not be deterred.