Sunday, November 24, 2019

Episode 394 - Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 22-25

Episode 394: Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 22-25

He’d wound up wasting a fortune on a ninja consultant who’d done nothing but spout buzzwords before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

In this chunk of Shadow of a Phoenix, Midnight’s Shadow can’t sleep, and an arms dealer has an over-designed lobby. And that’s it. For four chapters. In a fic that took seven years to write. Seven years. And so as Kate Moon rolls over in her bed and stares at the ceiling in real time, I want you to think about that and ask yourself what the hell was the point of all this, because I have nothing at all. Me, I’ll be off critiquing the interior decor, because that’s by far and away the most interesting part of the whole fic. So get a tattoo for your shirt and sit in the waiting room for the unending unamazing unadventure that is Shadow of a Phoenix.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Episode 393 - Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 18-21

Episode 393: Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 18-21

Lateral thinking I Spy is the best way to play.

After about six dozen chapters of sitting around and moping, the plot of Shadow of a Phoenix finally inches forwards a little bit as we discover a smidgen about Midnight’s Shadow’s past and just how stupid her name actually is. Naturally, this causes the plot to then grind to a halt as the GI Joe team check into a hotel. Yes, the fic is that exciting, folks. I mean, her father is a clearly unhinged weapons designer and she’s on the run from a supertech terrorist force, but nope, hallway carpet is what this fic is most concerned with. I mean, the bulk of this chunk of fic could be skipped over, but nooo… We have to get every last excruciating detail of the most mundane of things. Ahem. So sit back and try not to fall asleep as we slip into the next four chapters of Shadow of a Phoenix. Now with added character development!

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.