Sunday, October 20, 2019

Episode 392 - Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 14-17

Episode 392: Shadow of a Phoenix, chapters 14-17

She’s becoming introspective about her introspection. Any more navel-gazing and we’re going to collapse into a superdense black hole of brooding.

When you’re running a top secret supertech multinational covert task force, you need to be very careful about who you recruit into your ranks. For example, you wouldn’t take in an alleged amnesiac who has apparently spent their life living off the grid and doesn’t even know their own name. However, since this is a fanfic the GI Joe team naturally unquestioningly take in Midnight’s Shadow despite the fact that they have no idea who she is and only her word about a thing she says. Naturally everybody is okay with this, except for Midnight Shadow herself who whines about every last little thing to the people who are being nice to her and giving her an unparalleled opportunity. Throw in a game of charades and something that might pass for a clothes shopping montage and you have the next immobile lump of Shadow of a Phoenix.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.