Sunday, March 3, 2013

Episode 227 - The legion of the mysterious Black X-1 VT Fighter, parts 3-4

Episode 227: The legion of the mysterious Black X-1 VT Fighter, parts 3-4

I think we're at all points in continuity at once.

As Legion of the Mysterious Black X-1 reiterates its way towards its inevitable conclusion mysteries lie before us like discarded fast food wrappers, begging to be picked up. Who is the mysterious pilot of the Black X-1? What is the thermodynamics-defying secret weapon, and why did they test it on a well-known and popular war hero without telling him first? Why does Gloval have a contingency plan against a weapon that nobody knew existed? Will Khyron ever calm down and learn to respect his soldiers? What is in the red folder and how is it different from any other folders? Will Kyle ever get over the Chicken Pots? And finally, most importantly, why Brick?

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.

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