Sunday, March 21, 2021

Episode 425 - This is my Life, chapters 7-12

Episode 425: This is my Life, chapters 7-12

Yay evil, I guess.

Remember how global warming was going to cause the Earth to explode (and render guinea pigs extinct) and how mad scientists were kidnapping people to turn them into Transformers as a result? No? Me neither. But that’s okay, because the fic doesn’t either. In fact, it pretty much abandons its own premise in favour of some soap opera romance and drama with the occasional giant space robot war thrown in for good measure. Meanwhile in the B-plot, we also have some more soap opera romance and drama and some light reconstructive surgery to boot. So gather around and turn into a Corolla for the approximation of a conclusion to This is my Life. Now with beds!

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Episode 424 - This is my Life, chapters 1-6

Episode 424: This is my Life, chapters 1-6

The scientists were the people who told the people that were not the scientists what would happen if they did not follow the advice of the scientists who were scientists.

Welcome to the future where global warming means that guinea pigs are extinct, the price of chocolate has gone up and humans may spontaneously burst into flames. In order to prevent this incendiary outcome, a group of scientists have taken to kidnapping people and turning them into robots because science, really. But after their first successful experiment, Katherine ‘Totally Not Bella’ Swann escapes what are they to do? If you guess is “do it again and see what happens,” then you’re pretty much on the mark. So sit back, relax, casually blow up a city and list car brands for the first portion of This is my Life. It’s vaguely dystopian. Very vaguely.

Riffers: Dan, Rebecca Bartley, Tsuneo Tateo and Rick R. Mortis
Written by: Zogster and Rick R.